Material as Narrative 

A spider’s bedroom The spiders should be the dominant element on each page, as it is the creatures themselves that express emotion. The rooms are simply spaces they naturally inhabit, like a personal bedroom, so should only subtly enhance the emotion. Clarity of narrative is expressed through the use of a single material and toolContinue reading “Material as Narrative “

Stories of the Magazine

The Travelling Portrait It is not uncommon for a magazine to contain stories printed within its pages in the form of articles, poems, novella or collage, but beyond these carefully curated offerings lie many more possibilities, uncovered only through their interaction with its reader. Photography critic and prolific magazine collector, Vince Aletti, demonstrates this relationshipContinue reading “Stories of the Magazine”

Book as Time

How can a book contain time, not just documenting moments in sequence, but embody the significance of its passage within its being? Red String (2014) by Yoshikatsu Fujii depicts two photographic narratives / lives / timelines, in parallel, briefly meeting to conceive a new story which unfolds only through the occasions of their meeting, creatingContinue reading “Book as Time”

Building a House

Constructing the book The number of the poem’s lines was used as a starting point from which to explore 12-page concertina configurations, folding each continuously in various directions and order to appropriateness to narrative and audience. With a continuous narrative, I initially considered only single routes with no dead ends so the poem would readContinue reading “Building a House”

The Promenade of the Page

Book as narrative in childrens’ literature Bruno Munari’s seminal Libro Illeggible (Unreadable Books) series abandoned text to communicate through physicality alone, suggesting the book itself could be used as a form of visual language, thus offering a different way of ‘reading’. It was little surprise that this controversial rationale was applied to childrens’ literature with their lower levels ofContinue reading “The Promenade of the Page”

Tectonic of the House, of the Book

Book as narrative in architecture In the tactile world of the child, one does not experience a book through its words or illustrations alone, but in the way the page is touched and explored.  In which direction do the pages turn? Are the pages hard, rough, or smooth?  Are the pages thick and heavy, orContinue reading “Tectonic of the House, of the Book”

Being the Transdisciplinary Studio

A reflection on Studio Olafur Eliasson and my practice The transdisciplinary structure of Studio Olafur Eliasson is reminiscent of my previous module, which was split into mini projects of different disciplines, outcome and brief; yet all under one thematic whole. It was as if I employed my own mini studios in my mind. A microcosmContinue reading “Being the Transdisciplinary Studio”

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